Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How YouTube Can Enhance Young Children’s Learning

This post is mostly for EDUC 2300 students but your 2100ers can check it out tool.  I did a Google search with this phrase "what young children learn on youtube" to find this link.  The article links to other sites and discusses the power of multimedia in teaching young children.  Watch the video and add some interesting buttons to your Symbaloo from the links you find.

How YouTube Can Enhance Young Children’s Learning | Socyberty:

'via Blog this'

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  1. + Using technology is defiantly a modern way to teach students and I agree that it is here to stay. I, for one, love YouTube and I think there is much to do with such a site...and as stated in the article -Its free!

    +If students are technological beings, teachers need to be technological as well in order to demonstrate learning techniques that students will enjoy. YouTube has various songs put together with video clips that can enhance students learning at home and at school.

  2. + Kids are now growing up and learning to use technology at a very early age and many of them are quick learners. I think it is important for teachers to use this technology to their advantage and use the tools that kids are already familiar with in order to enhance their learning. This may also be a great opportunity for the students to show the teacher what they know by having students share their favorite technology and experiment with how it could be used in the classroom.

  3. + I think technology is a great way to teach kids, it is modern and known throughout all ages how to use it. It's simple to find games and lessons to teach students and it is free! This is another example of how students can show the teacher what they know and they can teach the teacher with technology and how to work something that the teacher may not know about.

  4. + Based on the article I think this teacher is in agreement with what I said in my own blog posting this week. Sometimes we need to look to those younger than us to stay relevant especially when it comes to technology. It's cool to hear a teacher with a lot of experience be excited to grow and learn from people around her instead of being rigid in her own ideas.

    ? I wasn't sure what video you're referring to in your post

  5. + I love how technology is being used more and more in education. As the article stated, children no longer have a desire to learn in old fashioned ways. "They are no longer prepared to being taught in the old tried and tested methods of the past, but want to be more actively engaged and experience more visual ways of learning,". When my dad and I recently went out to dinner before I left for school, we noticed a very young boy playing on a iPad. He wasn't even only enough to hold a conversation but he was tying things in to youtube and watching videos on firetrucks. We decided to ask his parents how old he was and they replied, "He's two and a half! He has even figure out how to use the DVR". Its unbelievable what kids are able to do these days.

  6. + I agree that children are becoming 100% reliable on technology. And kids will do whatever it takes to have technology help with any task that is given to them. Kids are so much smarter than we are even at young ages with what to do with technology and they can teach us as teachers how to incorporate technology even more into our lesson plans and not have it as only a distraction.

  7. + Back to my freshman year when I was a music ed student my roommate and I went to the Ohio Music Educators Association conference and attended a seminar about how to use technology in a music class room. Him and discussed how easy, and ultimately more effective, it would be to run a classroom completely online in a way. Students can easily rewind to parts they didn't understand and then if lost could even easily find more examples on Youtube of how to correctly voice an instrument or something. Even through my high school experiences we used it a lot. My AP physics class utilized it during snow days. She would email us links to her teaching the lesson from her home and send links to experiments to help reinforce the idea since we could not do them in class. The virtual classroom isn't something I think should replace the physical one, but the use of things like Youtube to aid classrooms and learning is exactly where we are headed.

  8. There is no doubt that Youtube can be a great way to have students learn in the classroom. This person said it best when he said as a teacher the times are changing and he had to change with the time. Older teaching practices are becoming obsolete and in order to continue keeping students engaged with whats going on in the classroom there needs to be changes. The best way to get students activley engaged in the classroom is to involve technology. For example youtubes simply get the students excited and they respond well with whats on the youtube. There are alot of teachers that are weary of youtubes because it is sort of a lazy way to teacher and I sort of agree with that. So I think youtube is great but in moderation.

  9. + I think that having technology in every classroom is essential. Especially in classrooms today it is important to have children aware and be confortable of using technology. Often times children have started off always using technology so they will know perhaps more than the previous generation. As teachers we can learn from the students and their expertise on a certain kind of technology.

  10. + I completely agree that the use of technology, especially Youtube can be beneficial to students. The visuals and sound can help reinforce ideas for them and gives them a new way of learning. Students become more engaged and are motivated to learn if there are new ways of doing it!

  11. + I am a supreme novice at You Tube. I had no idea that there was actual material on there that was educational that I could use with students! I have gone on there to look at a couple of clips that would not be suitable for young children and I was under the assumption that most of the material was similar to that. I look forward to investigating the website further.
