Wednesday, November 14, 2012

ED Tech 2300 Final Project

Note: This assignement is for ED Tech 2300 students only

ED Tech 2300 Masterpiece Project


As a team, create a multimedia presentation that showcases what you have learned and discovered this term in ED Tech and perhaps have applied or connected to other classes.  The purpose of this project is to consolidate your experiences into a ‘package’ that adds meaning to your classroom experiences and translates into knowledge that will benefit your teaching prowess.

This is a team experience and all members of the team are expected to add value to the final product.


Create a 15 minute (depending on the size of your team… figure 3 to 5 minutes per team member) multimedia presentation that showcases what you have experienced in ED Tech.  Topics such as blogging, website construction, wikis might be mentioned.  Tools such as Xtranormal, Prezi, Jing, Animoto could be used as part of the presentation.  Still photos, video, screenshots, screencasting are all sources of material that might be used in your team’s presentation.

Your AudienceTeachers and future teachers

Process suggestion:  Choose a single team member who will coordinate efforts and set up communications between team members.

Step 1.

The team chooses one specific topic from the list below (and be sure to make the specific topic clear to your audience).

1.    A subject area such as math, language arts, science, social studies.

a.     First choose a subject area, then each team member choose a subsection.
b.     Each team member could then be responsible for a subsection of the subject area.
c.      For example:   Social studies is chosen as the subject area.  Then each team member chooses a topic in social studies.  One member may choose first grade and a neighborhood study, another member may choose forth grade Ohio History, etc.

2.    A grade level. 
a.     Choose a specific grade level: First, second, third, etc.
b.     Then each team member prepares examples of tech related tools and materials related to and appropriate for that grade level.  Content could include activities, tools, websites that are age appropriate for students in the chosen grade.

3.    A multidisciplinary unit of study
a.     Define a unit of study that might not be grade level specific but could be used across grade levels and involve multiple subject areas. 
b.     For example:  “Inventions’ could be a multidisciplinary study that would be appropriate for many grade levels.  The study would have social studies, math, science, reading and writing components.

Step 2.

Each team member chooses or is assigned to a portion of the chosen topic.
For example:  The Team topic is multidisciplinary unit on inventions; Team member #1 chooses to showcase appropriate tech resources for introducing an ‘Inventions’ study to second graders.

Step 3.

The team puts it all together. 
Each team member’s contribution is put into a presentation that will be shown to the class.  The team as a whole will create an introduction to the project that explains the topic, the name of team members and what each person has contributed to the project.  The team will also create a concluding statement/event/demonstration that makes the case for using what the team has created with elementary students.  There will be a question and answer period after each presentation.

When it is all due: 
On 0ur last class is Wednesday December 5.  All team members must be present and participate in the presentation.

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