Thursday, August 30, 2012

A couple of things:
1) Follow my blog by entering your email address in the line below the blog title... this will let you know via email when I enter a new post.
2) If you have not already done so email the URL for your blog to so I may follow your bog.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Some thoughts on 'comments' to a blog... specifically my blog.  Be sure to read my blog before each class meeting and leave a marker that shows you've been there. Here are some ideas:  use symbols to show quickly your reaction to the blog entry, for example:

  • + for "I like this thought/idea"
  • - for "I disagree/don't think this is quite right"
  • ? for "I'm not sure, I have some questions about this".  

After the symbol add a few words to explain your symbol... like:

  • "- this is not how I plan to teach because I think teachers always need to be in charge and be able to answer all student questions?"
OK, now click on the 'comments' word below and leave a symbol and your name to show you have read and understand this post.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

For my first ED Tech post I'll give you an introduction to some of what I believe about teaching and learning.  The first rule of teaching and learning is that the students always outnumber the teachers.  If you view the education process as an "us versus them" activity (and I strongly advise you not the view the process this way) you should immediately be warned that the teacher will not win with fear and force alone... think General Custer at Little Big Horn.  Therefore, other methods of survival in the classroom must be developed.  I am an advocate of using your strengths to overcome your weaknesses.  We all have both.  If you a funny person, use humor, if you a quiet person use guile and stealth, if you bluster temper your attitude with kindness.  More to the point of this course if you are not a techie become a co-learner with students.  Although tradition has it that teachers have all the answers this truism turns out to be an old wives tale.  Teachers do not have all the answers now nor did they in the good old days when you were in school.  Kids have always known stuff that teachers did not and neither teacher nor student have all the answers.  Sometimes it takes a classroom to find an answer.

I will post random thoughts on technology, teaching and learning every week on this blog.  I encourage your reactions, thoughts, comments, agree/disagree votes by clicking on the blue no comments/comments word(s) below and leaving me a message.